Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

In some ways, I'm glad 2008 is over, but there were some significant events for us that were a pleasure to experience. Nicole graduating was a special moment, not just because we are so proud of her, but also because this is the tipping point in our plan of going cruising in 5 years. It's all down hill from here :) Getting to sail Alert around the eastern half of the lake was a joy, and somewhat of a relief in the fact that, we now know she's a good sailing vessel. Cruising on her was fun, and exciting at times. Our oldest daughter Kelly has been successful, living on her own, and enjoying life, even though we still call her every day. That really annoys her sometimes, but she better get used to it :) I'm hoping they both get their HAM radio license, so I can communicate while in some far away port. We are alive and healthy, and still employed (knock on wood), and I see better days ahead. I am being an optimist from here on out, as there is no point in sulking and complaining if it has no impact other than bringing everyone else down to your miserable level. I'm not even going to call that a new years resolution, because... A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other. Wishing you all a happy and successful new year. Peace, Love and Understanding

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