With Kelly getting married this May, there is some wedding planning stuff happening, so the boys will find themselves in my company, while the ladies try on dresses. The weather is supposed to suck, so we may find ourselves in a bar for some time, unless the weather breaks and we get an opening for nine holes. Maybe we'll go to a shooting range. Nothing says take care of my daughters more, than a Dad firing a gun. Actually, I've only discharged a gun once in my entire life, and put a nice bruise on my shoulder, but I'm willing to try it again :)
There is a winery tour scheduled for Friday I think, and that should be fun. The Finger Lakes have some fantastic wineries, in some beautiful countryside. The suitor from Georgia would like to pick some apples, so we'll try to accommodate him. We have many cider mills up here in apple country, and there is nothing like the smell of a cider mill, while munching on some warm fry cakes. I will have to buy some apple and grape pies, and keep them for myself, as I like nothing better than warm apple pie, and vanilla ice cream. I refuse to share.
Not much about sailing until next weekend when we are in Annapolis. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend, walking around and looking at boats I'll never buy. We are in the market for a wind generator, and an autopilot, but I think I have settled on the W-H brand. Everything I've read says it's the best, but it's friggin expensive. Funny, it looks like something I built in electric shop in high school.
Have a great time at the boat show in Annapolis! We're jealous and wish we could be there, so take pictures of those gorgeous sailboats that we'll never buy either! =)