Sunday, January 31, 2010

So cold

Sitting here having toast and tea, I see the Sodus Point light is registering a temperature of -9. This is the time of the year, where the snow makes that squeaking noise when you walk on it. We stayed inside all day yesterday. No one even went out to get the mail.
At least the snow has been moderately light so far this season. I know I'll pay for that statement.

I'm reading the blogs of the cruisers who managed to escape the white death this year. I tell you I'm ready to go, I just have a list of items to check off first. Actually Deb has the list, and she is very determined in getting things checked off. It is kind of fun, knowing that every thing off the list is getting you closer to life aboard.
The house projects are underway, with two rooms finished, and two to go upstairs. I think we will be ready to put this old house on the market in the spring. Just have to muster up some energy after a long day at work. Not that easy anymore.

Our daughter Kelly is back home, after her adventure in Portland came to an end. This does not slow us down one bit, and she is reminded with every paint brush stroke, that we are serious about living aboard. Hopefully she will be pitching in soon, as we could use the extra help. Don't think she'll be staying long, and if she does, I'll just have to start painting in a thong to Frank Sinatra tunes. Sorry for that image :)

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