Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I will miss this

Spring is in the air. You can feel it, smell it, see it. The warmth, the flowers coming up, the birds singing, the girls in shorts ;) Love you Deb. People smiling for a change, people in the park, people walking, running, dog walking, drinking. The outdoor cafe's are crowded already.  This is change, and it's noticeable. In the warm sun of the Bahamas and elsewhere in the little latitudes, do you notice the Spring? Dick and Libby mentioned this today. Seems there are few, if any signs that the seasons have changed. This is one part of dirt dwelling I will miss. The Winter to Spring transition.

So, following the Sun is going to be pretty nice, and I'm really looking forward to it, but will I miss the seasonal change? Maybe I'm enjoying spring because I endured the winter. Because I suffered through grey skies, and blowing snow, sleet and cold rain, I appreciate the change. Maybe when days are all sunny and warm (mostly), then I will not care if it's Spring.

I have lived in a cold climate for over 53 years now, and I am pretty sure I will not miss the winters for the remaining days I have left, but Spring, now that might be missed.

I will not miss this...

Looks pretty doesn't it. Pretty friggin cold.

 Or this...
BBQ on the deck anyone?

And definitely not this...
Driving in the snow really sucks.

But this was kind of cool.

Look at the little icebergs, and the frozen Deb.
Here's to Spring!

1 comment:

  1. We won't miss winter either, but those snow pics are beautiful! Great post! I love Spring, and watching all the buds on the trees and flowers "pop"! Like you said, I believe it's going through the winter that makes us appreciate it. Guess we'll find out once we're both in the tropics ... LOL!
